Our events over the years in Brooklyn, NY have been experiential and innovative.
From our night market events in a 10,000 sqft Brooklyn film prop warehouse, to abandoned - then activated alleyway events in Downtown Brooklyn (and more), our event productions are anything but ordinary.
Coming from Brooklyn, after one visit to Japan, we felt right at home!
BKLYN X JAPAN produces events in collaboration with local organizations and companies in Japan [fusing our Brooklyn style], to highlight and promote the unique aspects of the cities of japan we love.
Japan's fashion, architecture, food, music, car culture and nature, are all creatively integrated into each event.
We also create an opportunity of cultural exchange, for those in Japan wanting to visit Brooklyn.
BKLYN X JAPANは、ブルックリンスタイルを融合させた日本の地元団体や企業とのコラボレーションにより、私たちが愛する日本の都市のユニークな側面を浮き彫りにし、宣伝するイベントを制作しています。日本のファッション、建築、食、音楽、カーカルチャー、自然など、あらゆるものがクリエイティブに融合しています。